Thursday, May 7, 2015 False Advertising for SEO

The following Letter was sent to the following addresses with no response:
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To whom it may concern:

I am writing to you today to make you aware of the Scam by will not allow their customers to add any custom SEO Meta Tags in to the backend of their websites so the can be found on the search engines. allows there customers 3 metatags which include the TITLE Tag, THE DESCRIPTION Tag and the KEYWORDS Tag.

I’ve included Google in to this email so they can reply to all and confirm that their Google Search Engine does NOT use the keywords or description tags anymore. To the best of my knowledge the Google bots rely on the content of the website and for keywords the bots determine the keywords on repeated words that are in the content that are also in the H1 tags and Title tags in the site along with many other variables that will fill pages and pages.

If you go to and watch the video that provides about Meta Tags they explain that these are the only tags your site needs to rank on the search engines and they use Google in their Video to describe this. No they don’t show the Google logo but anyone that uses Google on a daily basis knows which engine this is.

In the email below you will see the Metatags I put together to help this person get their site ranked on the search engines so they can start providing support services for Families with Special Needs Kids (Like My Family). The tags that I gave them below aren’t even all the tags you can use plus there are tags as well.

Either needs to change their site for the false advertising that my customer will be ranked at the top of Google with just three tags or start issuing refunds and releasing contracts.

Here is Special Needs Stop’s Page on my New which hopefully will help bring them more business.

Thank you,

Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 11:24 PM

Subject: RE: Special Yellow Pages

Thanks for the information!

I have submitted the website to google, bing etc..  and utilize google analytics often to track performance. I currently use so I am limited in the coding area since it is all template based, so very easy for someone with little experience in building a website. I do not think I have a way to add this coding but I will contact them and see if there is a way to add. I may need to change my website provider come contract date, there have been other things I have inquired about and they just do not support it. I have had the website for 5 years now and still struggle with ranking.

I am not a programmer by any means so the templates work well for me but I do think there are better hosting companies out there.

Thanks for your time and I wish you the best of luck in your journey. I started primarily for the same reason you did, so I hear ya!


Stacy Gritt
Free 2 Bee me 2 copy

Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 2:05 PM

Subject: Special Yellow Pages

Hey This is Michael Stern from and @AdvocateCorner. Thank you for signing up on the site and I hope you like it. Hopefully by this weekend I will have up and running! will be a crowdfunding site just for people wanting to raise money for Special Needs and Learning Disabilities.

I was a tech for 23 years but now I am a stay at home dad and fulltime caregiver for our son. Now that our son Zachery is over 21 Medicaid has cutoff all nursing since he doesn’t need it anymore after their 21rst birthday. Wow, Right!

The main reason I started doing these site is because resources for special needs are so hard to find. I’m actually Zacks Step Dad and 5 years ago I had no clue what to do. NONE! Never had kids. So my first instinct, since I’m a tech, was to go online and search but I really couldn’t find anything. So then I start researching why I can’t find anything and it all comes down to SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

If you right click on any website and click “View Source” it will show you the actual code that is in the site you are looking at. So I did this for your site and here is the SEO you have in the background:

<title>Special Needs and Disability Support-Special Needs Stop</title>
<meta name="title" content="Special Needs and Disability Support-Special Needs Stop"/>
<meta name="description" content="Your one stop for everything related to special needs and disability:supportive community,resources,products,information and inspiration."/>
<meta name="keywords" content="Special Needs Resource Directory,products for special needs,gifts for special needs kids,books about special needs,Scriptures related to disability,Special Needs News,Disability Resources,Special Needs Services,special needs and disability products  "/>

It’s a good start but it only works for some search engines. For Example Google Does Not use the description any more and they rely on the actual content of you website for your rankings. You also have two Title Lines which some search engines would consider your site as spamming.

My website isn’t going to fix there SEO but it will give everyone a way to find the resources and it creates a backlink to there site which does help you ranking.

As a Thank You for being the first person to at least sign up and give me a chance here is the Correct SEO you should have in your website. Some companies will actually charge 100’s to 1000’s to put this information in to peoples sites. This code should significantly help your Web Traffic but there is another little secret that SEO Companies Don’t tell you. Having all this code is nice but if you don’t submit it to the search engines and get them to crawl your site it’s just code sitting in your site.

Submitting your website is FREE…lol  Just Google “Google Webmaster Tools” And you can add your site for free to be crawled. Then Repeat this for MSN (BING) and Yahoo.

Notice there are a few things you need to fill in. I know this a lot but this code needs to go in to every page in your website. Different web pages can actually rank higher then other pages if they are hit more which raises the rank of your site in whole.

Like I said it’s a lot and if you need any help whatsoever ask me. And once again thank you so much for being the First!

<title>Special Needs and Disability Support | Special Needs Stop</title>

<meta name="description" content=" Your one stop for everything related to special needs and disability:supportive community,resources,products,information and inspiration.">
<meta name="keywords" content=" Special Needs Resource Directory,products for special needs,gifts for special needs kids,books about special needs,Scriptures related to disability,Special Needs News,Disability Resources,Special Needs Services,special needs and disability products  ">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright© 2015">
<meta name="language" content="EN">
<meta name="author" content="Stacy Gritt">
<meta name="creationdate" content="January 17 2015">
<meta name="distribution" content="global">
<meta name="rating" content="General">
<meta property=”og:title” content=”Special Needs and Disability Support | Special Needs Stop”/>
<meta property=”og:type” content=”website”/>
<meta property=”og:image” content=”PUT AN IMAGE ON YOUR SERVER AND PLACE HTTP LINK HERE”/>
<meta property=”og:url” content=””/>
<meta property=”og:description” content=” Your one stop for everything related to special needs and disability:supportive community,resources,products,information and inspiration”/>
<meta property=”fb:admins” content=”FACEBOOK ADMIN #  IF YOU DON”T KNOW ASK OR GOOGLE”/>
<meta name="twitter:card" content="product">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@SpecialNeedsSto">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@SpecialNeedsSto">
<meta name="twitter:domain" content="specialneedsstop">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Special Needs and Disability Support | Special Needs Stop">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="PUT AN IMAGE ON YOUR SERVER AND PLACE HTTP LINK HERE ">
<meta name="twitter:label1" content="Special Needs">
<meta name="twitter:data1" content="Support">
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